27 Pushups and 51 Situps

OK. That was kinda hard.

I found a couple websites for fitness challenges, and I thought being able to do a hundred pushups and two hundred situps to be pretty cool sounding.

They’re both based around a 6-week training course of doing rounds of exercises to get up to the target. If you can’t make it to the goal at the end of the week, you redo that current week.

I just did the initial tests of each and that’s my numbers: 27 pushups and 51 situps. According to their plans I’m on week 3 already 🙂 I’m going to do the week 2 workout this Friday to get into it and start with week 3 next Monday. I’m going to have to work out some time-sharing with sledging because I really really like doing that; maybe alternating days Tue, Thu, Sat and totally rest Sunday.

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